1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant Program – pt 1

1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant Program – pt 1
This entry is part 14 of 26 in the series 1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant

Here begins the program of the 1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant. It starts with the Overture, Scene 1., Woman Unadorned… “An unadorned feminine figure, alone in all its loveliness, stands on a revolving sphere, receiving the homage of the universe. Embassies from all nations approach, with offerings of raiment and jewels, and as she is appareled an anthem is sung to her.”

I’m so glad that this magazine described the fashion show in such detail, because I’ve been able to find very little about this annual St. Louis fashion show, eventhough, as this 1920s publication states: “The Saint Louis Fashion Pageant is the only show of its kind in the world. There have been other style shows, but none have been produced on such a scale, or with such success. There have been other trade shows, but none to compete with the Fashion Pageant, either as an entertaining spectacle or as an elaborate presentation of styles. The Pageant claims an annual attendance of over 100,000 out of town buyers and townspeople.”

Below are the scans I made:

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