A Brief History of the Muny – St. Louis Municipal Theater Association History (as written in 1943)

Explore the rich St. Louis Muny Opera history through these pages from the 1943 St. Louis Municipal Opera program. This archive includes the comprehensive Municipal Opera Productions Directory (from 1919-1942), offering a detailed glimpse into the evolution and milestones of the Muny Association, a cornerstone of St. Louis’ cultural heritage.

1940s theater program advertisements

Here are 4 more pages out of the 25th Anniversary Program for the 1943 season at the St. Louis Municipal Opera (The Muny). The St. Louis Municipal Opera was started in 1918, and 1943 was the 25th (Silver Anniversary) Season. Included is an advertisement for the musical romance “Rosalie”, an ad for Hunter Meat Food Products (out of East St. Louis Illinois), Philip Morris Cigarettes, Alpen Brau Beer (and KMOX) promotional advertisement, and an ad for Nu Grape Soda (bottled locally by American Soda Water Co.).

How World War I and World War II influenced womens fashions

Pictures of women in World War I and World War II. How early feminism and wars influenced women’s fashions.

World War I timeline, soldiers photos, and heroes

World War I timeline, soldiers photos, and heroes

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Liberty’s Victorious Conflict

Hey, I’ve just gone through the last few pages of ‘Liberty’s Victorious Conflict,’ a book from my latest scanning project, and it’s quite the journey through the World War I timeline. You’ll find everything from dramatic shots of fighter planes in the heat of battle, to the brave souls piloting them, and even heartfelt glimpses of soldiers on the mend. There’s also a detailed look at the hospital train cars that played such a crucial role back then. Not to mention, a concise timeline that captures the key events from 1914 to 1917, shaping the course of the war. And yes, there’s a piece on Woodrow Wilson’s pivotal speech pushing for America’s entry into the conflict. It’s a rich tapestry of history, captured in one place.

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1880s going away dress outside

1880s going away dress outside

This entry is part 23 of 23 in the series Carondelet Historical Society Project

Once I had the model in this 1880s bustle dress, I didn’t want to let her out! The weather was SO pretty outside that we decided to go take some fashion photos at Carondelet Park. The boathouse at Carondelet Park, although originally built in 1918, and the concrete pergolas (built in the 1930s), made for perfect a perfect set to go with this 150+ year old dress.

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A bakery shop in 1917

A bakery shop in 1917

These pictures of a bakery shop had the note “c. 1917 or 1918” and the names of the husband and wife who owned it.  I think it’s interesting to see how bakery shops were arranged, and there are pictures of the racks and “behind the counter” at this shop.

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History of Lingerie advertisements from the 1800s to the 1950s

History of Lingerie advertisements from the 1800s to the 1950s

This entry is part 19 of 32 in the series CheeseCake Pinup Magazine - 1953

Here are shown some lingerie and shapewear ads from the 1800s-1950s. The chemise replaced the corset cover by 1918, although shape wear was still worn in the 1920s to achieve that stylish “boyish” form. The inflatable bra of the 1950s replaced the “Victoria” bosom pad of 1879… such changes in lingerie styles and advertisements!

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A Brief History of the Muny – St. Louis Municipal Theater Association History (as written in 1943)

A Brief History of the Muny – St. Louis Municipal Theater Association History (as written in 1943)

This entry is part 12 of 13 in the series St. Louis Municipal Opera 1943

Explore the rich St. Louis Muny Opera history through these pages from the 1943 St. Louis Municipal Opera program. This archive includes the comprehensive Municipal Opera Productions Directory (from 1919-1942), offering a detailed glimpse into the evolution and milestones of the Muny Association, a cornerstone of St. Louis’ cultural heritage.

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1940s theater program advertisements

1940s theater program advertisements

This entry is part 2 of 13 in the series St. Louis Municipal Opera 1943

Here are 4 more pages out of the 25th Anniversary Program for the 1943 season at the St. Louis Municipal Opera (The Muny). The St. Louis Municipal Opera was started in 1918, and 1943 was the 25th (Silver Anniversary) Season. Included is an advertisement for the musical romance “Rosalie”, an ad for Hunter Meat Food Products (out of East St. Louis Illinois), Philip Morris Cigarettes, Alpen Brau Beer (and KMOX) promotional advertisement, and an ad for Nu Grape Soda (bottled locally by American Soda Water Co.).

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