
Random Old Slides

This entry is part 15 of 19 in the series Old Slide Scans

Photos from our Classic Car Photography Workshop – 2013

This was such a fun photography workshop to organize with Joann of Clean Cut Creations Vintage Auto Repair. I have always wanted to put together a “shoot out” event, after having attended several on the coasts. The fact that we chose a vintage theme and were able to round up some classic cars, made things extra awesome.
I provided all the authentic vintage dresses, hats and wardrobe, I applied all the period styled makeup on the models, and guided their hair styles.

Gibson Girl Newspaper Clipping from 1966

Here’s a newspaper clipping from 1966 about an 86 year old former Gibson Girl model, Mrs. Josephine Gibson Knowlton, the sister of Charles Dana Gibson. She was “the original Gibson Girl”.

Snapshots of a pinup model wearing a 1960s Plaid Sheath Dress on a gold car (Rebekah Liegh)

I think pinup model Rebekah Liegh is perched on and in a 1957 Chevy, but I’m not sure? I do know that her cute sleeveless plaid vintage dress, from my collection, is from the 1960s.

Vintage 1960s Mustang – a forgotten fashion photoshoot

I was going through my old hard drive, and realized that I’d exported these 1960s styled photos of Ashley, but never posted them to this vintage blog! I dressed and styled her in a vintage light green psychedelic floral minidress and hat. Since we were going to shoot other sets, I kept her makeup fairly neutral, but with bright pink lipstick.

Baby shower card scans from the 1960s

Baby shower card scans from the 1960s

This entry is part 6 of 10 in the series 1960s New Baby and Baby Shower Cards

I don’t ever want to have kids, but reading these 1960s baby shower cards just cheers me up! They’re so positive and cute, and fun to say:

A gift for someone Who is due – Hope Baby will like it… And YOU will, too!

Best of luck to all of you, Mom and Dad and Someone New

This shower gift is just for you, and in it you will find, a shower of very good wishes, the warm and friendly kind.”

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Baby Shower Cards from 1962

Baby Shower Cards from 1962

This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series 1960s New Baby and Baby Shower Cards

These baby shower cards are from a party held on August 14, 1962 in what was then a working middle class neighborhood of St. Louis, MO… I got lucky, the shower invitation was in the box! It was thrown at the mother’s home, by her mom.

“A Baby Shower is on the way, So please jot down the time and day.”

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1935 BridesMaid Dress

1935 BridesMaid Dress

This entry is part 19 of 23 in the series Carondelet Historical Society Project

This mesh dress came labeled “Bridesmaid dress from M___’s 1935 wedding”. It’s classic! The dress was blue mesh over a dark blue slip. Not using it in the 1930s wedding recreation was a mistake, but I was afraid the colors were too dark in comparison to the other dresses. Sometimes I make mistakes, and this was still just about 6 months into my adventures in teaching myself vintage styling and photography!

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Ghost Photos

Ghost Photos

This entry is part 10 of 13 in the series My Photography

Happy Spooky Saturday, and hope everyone had a great Halloween! While I was posting model Linzy Anna’s ghostly garage photos, I came across all the other “ghost” pictures that I’ve shot. This is a special photographic technique, with no photoshop being used to make the transparency. It’s difficult to direct models on posing, but most people usually get it after a few tries, and the result is worth all the hard work. Because of the special lighting I use, I need at least 1 or 2 other assistants… so it’s quite labor intensive!

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Check out my Etsy Shop for everything, as I continue to fine tune

Check out my Etsy Shop for everything, as I continue to fine tune

I’ve decided to change things around, and re-focus this site on my vintage blog and on writing more about some of the fabulous finds that I post on my Etsy shop. I’ll only be posting higher end, and personal favorite, vintage items in my shop on this site (and ofcourse ephemera as I scan or photograph it).

The practical reason is that for a twenty five dollar dress, it takes an extra 15-20 minutes to upload the images to this site as well as to Etsy. That time adds up, and I could be listing even more, or marketing, or writing a fun blog entry or scanning more ephemera! There’s currently no way to import Etsy listings into this ecommerce system 🙁

With that hour or two that I save every few listings, I’m going to be blogging and writing more personally here. 2013 has brought me many personal changes, the most notable being a healthy dose of getting fed up!

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