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I am just posting the rest of these 1960s baby shower cards all at once! These are vertical new baby welcome cards from that 1962 baby shower. I absolutely love the illustrations on the fronts of these cards, and the cute happy rhymes that are inside!
The mother-to-be wrote what gifts she received on the backs of these cards, which I’ve scanned also.
Here are a few of the baby shower rhymes….
This expectant mother must have had a heck of a party in the heat of that August of 1962! This was the baby shower for her first child, and I think it was the first grandchild on either side. It’s always extra special to be first (speaking as the eldest child). Here are 9 different vintage baby shower cards from 1962. I love the gentle, cute, illustrations… and, ofcourse, the rhymes inside!
These baby shower cards are from a party held on August 14, 1962 in what was then a working middle class neighborhood of St. Louis, MO… I got lucky, the shower invitation was in the box! It was thrown at the mother’s home, by her mom.
“A Baby Shower is on the way, So please jot down the time and day.”