
Pictures of 1800s young ladies and girls

This entry is part 19 of 21 in the series Cabinet Cards

World War I timeline, soldiers photos, and heroes

Hey, I’ve just gone through the last few pages of ‘Liberty’s Victorious Conflict,’ a book from my latest scanning project, and it’s quite the journey through the World War I timeline. You’ll find everything from dramatic shots of fighter planes in the heat of battle, to the brave souls piloting them, and even heartfelt glimpses of soldiers on the mend. There’s also a detailed look at the hospital train cars that played such a crucial role back then. Not to mention, a concise timeline that captures the key events from 1914 to 1917, shaping the course of the war. And yes, there’s a piece on Woodrow Wilson’s pivotal speech pushing for America’s entry into the conflict. It’s a rich tapestry of history, captured in one place.

World War I timeline, soldiers photos, and heroes

World War I timeline, soldiers photos, and heroes

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Liberty’s Victorious Conflict

Hey, I’ve just gone through the last few pages of ‘Liberty’s Victorious Conflict,’ a book from my latest scanning project, and it’s quite the journey through the World War I timeline. You’ll find everything from dramatic shots of fighter planes in the heat of battle, to the brave souls piloting them, and even heartfelt glimpses of soldiers on the mend. There’s also a detailed look at the hospital train cars that played such a crucial role back then. Not to mention, a concise timeline that captures the key events from 1914 to 1917, shaping the course of the war. And yes, there’s a piece on Woodrow Wilson’s pivotal speech pushing for America’s entry into the conflict. It’s a rich tapestry of history, captured in one place.

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Cabinet Cards of Young Men, Children, and Couples

Cabinet Cards of Young Men, Children, and Couples

This entry is part 18 of 21 in the series Cabinet Cards

Here are the rest of the 1800s cabinet cards I digitized for the Carondelet Historical Society. I really like the young lady wearing a hat, as shot by Polensky of Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. That photo, of any, gives me some ideas on historical re-creation. The background is so cool, and could probably be made into a photoshop texture or something!

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Old Dodge Automobile Ads

Old Dodge Automobile Ads

This entry is part 13 of 17 in the series Automobile Ads Scrapbook

Here are some old ads for Dodge cars, including the Senior Coupe of c. 1929 (that cost only $880). The second page is an ad for Dodge Brothers of Canada (Walkerville Ontario), and shows children playing in the snow. The last page are cuttings of various unnamed 1920s Dodge cars. I’ve included more detailed crops of these old ads, too.

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Lyrics to 1930s songs pt 2

Lyrics to 1930s songs pt 2

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Popular Songs Magazine: October 1935

This page features a sexy photo of contralto singer and 1930s San Francisco radio personality Nola Day, a native of Iceland.
According to The Magic Key of RCA Radio Program: “NOLA DAY, NBC contralto, who has appeared as a Magic Key guest, is a native of Iceland but was brought to the United States when she was a baby. She grew up in Tacoma. When she was still in her teens she joined a touring organization that gave entertainments in the logging camps in the Northwest. At the end of a two-years’ tour Nola went to Portland, Oregon, and after a year’s vocal training she was selected as a soloist with the Portland Symphony Orchestra. Later she went to Seattle where she sang in “The Vagabond King,” and later proved her vocal versatility by singing with a dance orchestra. When KOMO, Seattle, put on its first transcontinental over NBC, Nola took part. This was her radio debut. She later became a member of the NSC staff in San Francisco. At present she is with NBC in New York.”

Enjoy the song lyrics on this page below. I’ve tried to find audio/video to go with each song, but without much success.

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