early 1900s advertisements
Early 1900s HOUSEKEEPING ADVICE and advertisements

Early 1900s HOUSEKEEPING ADVICE and advertisements

This entry is part 8 of 14 in the series The Modern Priscilla - July 1913

These next few pages are a miscellany of advertisements and pithy articles. Another adjustable dress form advertisement, perfume advertisement, Blue-jay corn plasters ad, an advertisement for The AlbeMarle-Hoffman Hotel overlooking Madison Square in NYC (“a good room at $1.50 per day, and a good room with a bath for $2 per day “- imagine paying that in NYC nowadays!).

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Heavy Crochet Pattern & Mosaic Canvas pattern

Heavy Crochet Pattern & Mosaic Canvas pattern

This entry is part 4 of 14 in the series The Modern Priscilla - July 1913

Here are some patterns for a collar of heavy crochet, and instructions on how to embroider on mosaic canvas. Ads on these pages included Barbour’s Crochet Thread, Post Toasties (cereal), “Sell Hosiery – any man or woman should make $24 a week for 2 hours a day selling hosiery for men, women, and children…”, Typewriters, Embroidery Silk, and more.

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