fashion history

How World War I and World War II influenced womens fashions

Pictures of women in World War I and World War II. How early feminism and wars influenced women’s fashions.

Last pages of The Language of Fashion

What a cool treasure, to find a fashion book published at the dawn of World War II. It’s been interesting to expand my fashion vocabulary, and to learn so many new things about the history of fashion.

timeline of Historical Fashion silhouettes thru the ages – Types of Satin continued

I find this fashion dictionary’s timeline of silhouettes thru the ages to be interesting, because people in certain eras interpret describe history differently than at other times. History is subjective, to a degree, if only because of the process of curating and deciding what to include or exclude in a synopsis. It’s interesting to see what a fashion expert writing this dictionary thought was important, and the descriptions they used, as compared to more modern historical perspectives.

3 more scans from the Language of Fashion, a 1930s fashion dictionary

My scanning got interrupted today. Here are just 3 pages defining such things as robe d’intrenieur (a hostess gown), ruche, rumba costume, saque (and the 1930s sack garment), different types of sashes, ending with defining the various types of satin.

Nets thru Robe de Style, and information about Rayon

As I’m recovering from my wonderful New Years celebrations last night… I’m posting 18 more scans from the 1938 fashion dictionary, The Language of Fashion. These pages cover nets (continued) to Robe de Style, with several informative pages between, including a lengthy and informative page about Rayon. Did you know that (in 1938) there are four different processes for making Rayon …

The future of the pinup model

The future of the pinup model

This entry is part 9 of 32 in the series CheeseCake Pinup Magazine - 1953

Where was modeling going in the 1950s, and what would future fashion trends hold? The main point of this article seemed to point out the sheer diversity of pinup models and beautiful women. An interesting picture was one of Rita Hayworth without makeup, and then made up. One of her movies, “An Affair in Trinidad”, was chosen by the National Photographers Association as “the sexiest and most provocative motion picture still ever made”.

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1880s going away dress outside

1880s going away dress outside

This entry is part 23 of 23 in the series Carondelet Historical Society Project

Once I had the model in this 1880s bustle dress, I didn’t want to let her out! The weather was SO pretty outside that we decided to go take some fashion photos at Carondelet Park. The boathouse at Carondelet Park, although originally built in 1918, and the concrete pergolas (built in the 1930s), made for perfect a perfect set to go with this 150+ year old dress.

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timeline of Historical Fashion silhouettes thru the ages – Types of Satin continued

timeline of Historical Fashion silhouettes thru the ages – Types of Satin continued

This entry is part 5 of 21 in the series The Language of Fashion - 1939 Fashion Dictionary

I find this fashion dictionary’s timeline of silhouettes thru the ages to be interesting, because people in certain eras interpret describe history differently than at other times. History is subjective, to a degree, if only because of the process of curating and deciding what to include or exclude in a synopsis. It’s interesting to see what a fashion expert writing this dictionary thought was important, and the descriptions they used, as compared to more modern historical perspectives.

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Nets thru Robe de Style, and information about Rayon

Nets thru Robe de Style, and information about Rayon

This entry is part 7 of 21 in the series The Language of Fashion - 1939 Fashion Dictionary

As I’m recovering from my wonderful New Years celebrations last night… I’m posting 18 more scans from the 1938 fashion dictionary, The Language of Fashion. These pages cover nets (continued) to Robe de Style, with several informative pages between, including a lengthy and informative page about Rayon. Did you know that (in 1938) there are four different processes for making Rayon …

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Early 1900s Summer Fashion Illustrations

Early 1900s Summer Fashion Illustrations

This entry is part 14 of 14 in the series The Modern Priscilla - July 1913

These fashion illustrations show what women wore in 1913, and what was in style. Apparently, embroideries were the rule, and placed where there was the smallest excuse for them. This illustration shows three fashionable early 1900s women and a little girl. On the right side is an advertisement for a Venus adjustable dress form. The text includes detailed descriptions and how to order the dress patterns to make the fashions the models illustrated are wearing.

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Edwardian Fashion Photos from 1913 and an Ivory Soap Advertisement

Edwardian Fashion Photos from 1913 and an Ivory Soap Advertisement

This entry is part 12 of 14 in the series The Modern Priscilla - July 1913

Isn’t this Ivory Soap ad a classic? “Yes, it will wash if you use Ivory Soap and a little care… Ivory Soap 99.44% pure”.

Following that advertisement is a page of photographs illustrating and describing fashionable embroidered frocks for the summer season. I made a few scans, to make sure that I got all the wording and details!

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1920s Toy Advertisement & Misc Ads

1920s Toy Advertisement & Misc Ads

This entry is part 22 of 26 in the series 1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant

Here are 2 miscellaneous advertisement pages from the 1924 Fashion Pageant that I just scanned. They contain ads for Dolls, Toys, & Holiday Goods at Fabricius Mercantile Company, American Lady Bobbed Hair Nets, Ladies Linene Dresses (stamped flat for embroidery), Stein-Poulson Manufacturing Company Trimmed Hats, Bertha Hat Company, and Wardle Company (Ribbons, Laces, and Neckwear).

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1920s Women’s Fashions Advertisements

1920s Women’s Fashions Advertisements

This entry is part 7 of 26 in the series 1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant

St. Louis advertisements for women’s dresses and hats from the August 1924 Fashion Pageant.

I like the illustration on the Gold Medal Hats advertisement, the best. The lady in a cloche hat and bobbed hair is draped with a shawl coming seductively off her shoulder, holding a feather fan. The birthmark on her cheek is in the shape of a heart.

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