Rebekah Leigh model
Pinup model with a green vintage car

Pinup model with a green vintage car

This entry is part 13 of 13 in the series My Photography

Here are the last of the unposted pics from my retro styled photo shoot with pinup model Rebekah Leigh a few years ago. She’s wearing her own vintage wardrobe and posed next to a green vintage Chevrolet. Although these photos are retro inspired, they could easily be modern fashion.

When more than one person is photographing a model at the same time, it is always difficult to get great photos. If the photographers are at different angles, the model doesn’t know who to pose for, and if the photographers are shooting close to each other, they end up with very similar images. It was very challenging to shoot any model in this situation.

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Rebekah Liegh Pinup Pics

Rebekah Liegh Pinup Pics

The red skirt, shoes, and matching blouse and accessories in these pinup pictures really pops against the drab background. St. Louis pinup model Rebekah Leigh is wearing her own wardrobe and did her own hair and makeup. This set is from a few years ago, and I realized that I never posted any of these pictures…

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