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Here is the front and back of a little advertisement from 1904 by Pope-Waverly Motors for the Model No. 36 electric speedwagon. Only $850 without the top and $900 with the top. The back of the pamphlet contains the specifications for this 1904 electric car, which included a 3 horsepower motor with 17 miles per hour maximum speed – “speedwagon” my arse!
Here are 4 illustrated ads for a 1920s Nash roadster, an early 1920s Overland Car, and 2 pages of ads for Maxwell Motors.
Here are some scans that I made to digitize an old guy’s scrapbook. These are lovely illustrations that capture the energy of the late 1920s. I found the wikipedia article on the history Lasalle fascinating, and a little tragic:
Early 1900s car advertisements for Chandler Motors, Cadillac, Buick, and Apperson. Illustrated with details about the Chandler automobile.