selling vintage clothing
Spring 2021 was a false re-start, but it had a serious upside

Spring 2021 was a false re-start, but it had a serious upside

Revisiting and posting an update to my 2021 vintage selling journey. I’ve continued to make vintage sales and I really truly cannot stay away from vintage clothing, I saw my last blog about relaunching from back in March 2021. Since it’s winter, and I can’t go walk all the time, and I’m more or less settled in my new job, it is legitimately time to reboot my vintage… or clean the house (but working on this fun hobby is so much less of a chore)! I think… That is, if I am over being burned out of my self.

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Check out my Etsy Shop for everything, as I continue to fine tune

Check out my Etsy Shop for everything, as I continue to fine tune

I’ve decided to change things around, and re-focus this site on my vintage blog and on writing more about some of the fabulous finds that I post on my Etsy shop. I’ll only be posting higher end, and personal favorite, vintage items in my shop on this site (and ofcourse ephemera as I scan or photograph it).

The practical reason is that for a twenty five dollar dress, it takes an extra 15-20 minutes to upload the images to this site as well as to Etsy. That time adds up, and I could be listing even more, or marketing, or writing a fun blog entry or scanning more ephemera! There’s currently no way to import Etsy listings into this ecommerce system 🙁

With that hour or two that I save every few listings, I’m going to be blogging and writing more personally here. 2013 has brought me many personal changes, the most notable being a healthy dose of getting fed up!

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