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I shot these photos of my friend Anita, modeling a 1920s wedding dress and veil that were borrowed from the Carondelet Historic Society. This is an ongoing project to visually, digitally,...
It happens to us all. Occasionally we buy a piece and are disappointed, or overlooked a flaw noted in the description, or don't agree with the seller that the item was in "great/good/awesome"...
These are the wedding photos of Mary who got married in the 1950s. She also gave me her mother's 1930s and grandmother's 1913 wedding pictures to digitize, which I previously posted. It provides an...
The dress was 1970s. The veiled hat is probably 1950s or 1960s. I did her makeup 1970s style, but tried to go natural. Posed with tulle and the fireplace backdrop. These came out very “old Hollywood” and romantic looking!