Late Edwardian Fashion Illustrations, Style Advice, Recipes and Advertisements

- Edwardian Cooking and Kitchen Advice, Ads and “How to”s from 1917
- Tatting and needlework patterns from the April 1917 issue of The Modern Priscilla
- Edwardian Filet Crochet Pattern from 1917
- Summer 1917 Edwardian Hair Styles – and the last of the April 1917 scans
- 1917 Edwardian Lace Fashions on Clothing
- Late Edwardian Fashion Illustrations, Style Advice, Recipes and Advertisements
- Weddings! April 1917 issue of The Modern Priscilla – cover and first few pages
These few pages of Edwardian fashion drawings were most fascinating! The Modern Priscilla advised on summer styles for the 1917 bride, house dresses and negligee, Summer styles for children, and spring coats for grown ups, and recipes for using baking powder in place of eggs (from a full page ad for Royal Baking Powder). I’ve scanned a few of these pages twice to make sure that I also got the ads along the sides of the main fashion advice articles that advertise the latest Edwardian fashion patterns.
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