
History of Beauty Contests and the Ideal Female Measurements of the 1950s

Discover the ideal female measurements of the 1950s, a decade that set distinct beauty standards through beauty contests and societal expectations. This article delves into the historical context and cultural significance of the 1950s beauty ideals, offering insights into how these standards influenced fashion and shaped the perception of female beauty during the era.

Vintage car advertisements: Apperson, Chandler, Buick, and Caddillac

Early 1900s car advertisements for Chandler Motors, Cadillac, Buick, and Apperson. Illustrated with details about the Chandler automobile.

A Gibson Pillow Pyography pattern ad and other Misc Gibson Ads and Ephemera

Advertisement for a Gibson Girl pyography pillow. This ad promises to send the buyer a Naan Plush Pillow Top in gold, tan, or light green, stamped with the Gibson girl design shown and ready for burning! This also has a special offer for a pyography kit for only $1.65.

History of the Covergirl pinup model

By the early 1950s, beauty and publicity had become almost ridiculous, as evidenced by the crowning of Potato Queens (Marilyn Monroe), National Soybean Queen (and Miss Missouri), Sourkraut Queen, Queen Pickle.

Pictures of Confederate Soldiers, Women, and Children

I believe that these are pictures of Confederate Soldiers from the Civil War. This album also included pictures of women, children, and non-uniformed men. I was told that all these people were from St. Louis, or relatives of people living in St. Louis. Such fascinating untold stories… I’ll let these pictures speak for themselves!

Illustrated 1960s baby shower cards with rhymes inside

Illustrated 1960s baby shower cards with rhymes inside

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series 1960s New Baby and Baby Shower Cards

I am just posting the rest of these 1960s baby shower cards all at once! These are vertical new baby welcome cards from that 1962 baby shower. I absolutely love the illustrations on the fronts of these cards, and the cute happy rhymes that are inside!

The mother-to-be wrote what gifts she received on the backs of these cards, which I’ve scanned also.

Here are a few of the baby shower rhymes….

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Pinups in Action Can Draw Clients As Well As Patrons

Pinups in Action Can Draw Clients As Well As Patrons

This entry is part 28 of 32 in the series CheeseCake Pinup Magazine - 1953

Pinups thru out history have been used to sell everything from cosmetics to real estate. Sometimes, they had their origins in the scandalous worlds of peepshows and erotica. The scandalous Gilda Grey, famous for popularizing The Shimmy with her signature song The Shimmy Shewabble, helped sell a reducing cream in 1923. In 1925 she did the shimmy after a meeting to interest buyers in buying Coral Gables properties in Florida. The Shimmy, for which Gilda Grey was famous for, reportedly could be danced properly only with great difficulty and was considered primarily an exhibition dance. Similarly, the Cat Dance by Lilly Christine, had its origins in the realms of peepshows, but she crossed over into mainstream pinup model popularity and helped sell products.

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1958 Hilda Calendar – an Illustrated curvy BBW Cheesecake Pinup

1958 Hilda Calendar – an Illustrated curvy BBW Cheesecake Pinup

I was doing product photography for a friend, and couldn’t help but take a few extra pictures of this pinup calendar from 1958. “Hilda” is a “generously endowed nymph who casts propriety and modesty aside and comfortably romps her way through the year”. Each month has a drawing of Hilda, and advertising for Munger Linen (“‘Coverage where coverage counts’ When Hilda Rents Uniforms she calls Munger Linen”).

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Converts: The Love Story of a Primitive Man and a Suffragette by Joan Paul

Converts: The Love Story of a Primitive Man and a Suffragette by Joan Paul

This entry is part 5 of 14 in the series The Modern Priscilla - July 1913

You can see how the issues of womens’ suffrage had made it into the mainstream by 1913! This story about a love triangle between a suffragette, a gold digger, and an eligible bachelor was found in the July 1913 issue of The Modern Priscilla and I’ve included the text (extruded from the image- so excuse typos). I think it’s a fascinating document of womens history, and the social history of voting rights in the USA.

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