timeline of Historical Fashion silhouettes thru the ages – Types of Satin continued

timeline of Historical Fashion silhouettes thru the ages – Types of Satin continued
This entry is part 5 of 21 in the series The Language of Fashion - 1939 Fashion Dictionary

Oops! The types of Satins spread into the next page and I failed to notice that the other day! Here are the rest of the definitions and descriptions of various types of satins.

Also of interest, are definitions describing types of seams (corded, piped, saddle, slot), types of Serges, types of shirts (Chukker shirt and Garibaldi shirt are illustrated), types of scissors, two pages devoted to describing types of shoes, and finally, silhouettes.

I find this fashion dictionary’s timeline of historical fashion silhouettes thru the ages to be interesting, because people in certain eras interpret describe history differently than at other times. History is subjective, to a degree, if only because of the process of curating and deciding what to include or exclude in a synopsis inside a fashion dictionary or textbook. It’s interesting to see what a fashion expert writing this dictionary in the 1930s thought was important, and the descriptions they used, as compared to more modern historical perspectives on the history of fashion.

Series Navigation<< Skirts thru sportswear – definitions and illustrations for vintage clothing identification3 more scans from the Language of Fashion, a 1930s fashion dictionary >>

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