Anderson Electric Car Advertisements and Specs

Anderson Electric Car Advertisements and Specs
This entry is part 17 of 17 in the series Automobile Ads Scrapbook

Here are 6 pages of ads for the Anderson Electric Car models 71, 72 and 76. Included are specs for the four passenger Brougham Model 71 and the three passenger Convertible Model 76. I think these electric cars look like Cinderella coaches, totally romantic! Unfortunately, I don’t see any illustrations of the convertible roadster model, although the interior of Model 71 is illustrated and described, and the exteriors of Models 71 and 72 are illustrated. This appears to be an advertisement geared towards women, as Model 72 is shown with a young lady driving, and the text reads that it’s ideal for family use and that every member of the family can drive and enjoy this car.

For the Anderson Electric Car Co. Brougham Model 71 (rear drive), the vehicle specs included:

  • 88 inches tall, 67 inches wide, total length 11 feet 10 inches
  • worm bevel driving gears
  • 42 cell, 15 plate battery
  • 2 separate sets of brakes
  • 100 inch wheel base
  • cord pneumatic tires of 34×4.5 inches or cushion tires of 46×4.5 inches
  • Mileage per charge: 63 to 100 miles
  • equipped with a toilet set, body lamps, headlights, Hanlon patented rain vision front window, and much more…

For the Anderson Electric Car Co. Convertible Roadster Model 76 (rear drive), the vehicle specs included:42 cell, 15 plate battery42 cell, 15 plate battery

  • 42 cell, 13 plate battery
  • Tires: Goodrich Silvertown cord pneumatic type
  • Houk wire wheels
  • 140 inches long, 67 inches wide, 80 inches tall
  • 5 speeds: 6, 9, 13, 18, and 23 miles per hour
  • 65-100 miles per charge

Anderson Electric Car Company was also known as Detroit Electric, and existed as Anderson Electric Car Co. between 1911 and 1919. I am not sure the exact years of these ads.

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