1960s styled model with car pics

1960s styled model with car pics
This entry is part 1 of 13 in the series Vintage Car Workshop

The 1960s are so fun to style for photoshoots! I love bright, bold, and over the top looks. These photos are mod, bold, and post processed with a slightly oversaturated Kodachrome effect that really makes Anita’s red hair pop along side the red car.

I styled retro models Anita and Ashley Cancienne in white gogo boots with colorful vintage 1960s dresses. I did both their makeup and supervised their hair styling.

Anita’s hair was dyed a striking bright red and held up with a crepe scarf. She needed no other accessories in her yellow minidress! Ashley’s bright blue eyeshadow was laid on with a heavy hand and her black rimmed cat eye glasses completed her look.

Ofcourse, they’re posed with vintage 1960s cars 🙂

Enjoy the modern retro 1960s model with car pics below:

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