Old car ads: Maxwell, Nash, and Overland car ads

Old car ads: Maxwell, Nash, and Overland car ads
This entry is part 6 of 17 in the series Automobile Ads Scrapbook

Here are 4 illustrated ads for a 1920s Nash roadster, an early 1920s Overland Car, and 2 pages of ads for Maxwell Motors.

I asked my boyfriend’s dad more about this scrapbook of old car ads, and he didn’t know much. He said that a guy had left the Carondelet Historical society all his belongings when he passed away without children, and this was one of his binders. These appear to be old clippings from magazines, that have never been taken out of their sleeves, and labeled on the back of the posterboard.  If it weren’t for the ad wording that I can barely make out on the back of these clippings, I would think that they were made from a copier machine.

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