1920s old car and family photos

1920s old car and family photos

This old family photo with the art deco border stamped August 20, 1927 on the back, is one of my favorite pictures so far. I wish I knew the story behind it, but I can imagine on the expressions of the people around this old Model T.

The old woman looks absolutely worried and nervous. I bet she’s saying “you don’t have to have the neighbors take a picture, I’ll remember this well enough”. Her daughter (?) is staring directly into the camera and looks the happiest of anyone in this photo.

My second favorite photo from this batch is of the 4 people in front of the 1920s car. The older woman is in a white dress and wearing a short brimmed hat, and the woman to her right is wearing a cloche hat with pearls. The young boy staring into the camera just grips me.

Below I’ve also included other random photos in the order I scanned and found them in the binder.

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