Remarks on Current Fashions & Fashion Illustrations from 1892

Remarks on Current Fashions & Fashion Illustrations from 1892
This entry is part 18 of 19 in the series The Delineator - January 1892

Here begins an illustrated article detailing ladies fashion trends of 1892.

It starts out:

“The half-long house coat and panier bodice or basque are about equally favored. Since wide hips have the  special approval of la Mode, it is reasonable to conclude that the reign of the panier will be general, particularly in house fabrics and in those outdoor materials that drape softly…”

Then continues:

…One of the most striking of the season’s modes is a Princess gown that will develop with especial grace in camel’s hair, cashmere, and other soft woolens, in either sober or gay colorings. It is draped at the left front in folds that strongly suggest the Greek modes. The sleeves are very full, but may, if unbecoming, be superceded by a less ample style

This article includes fashion illustrations of ladies toilette with a wrap cape, a carriage toilette with a coat cape, and a “ladies costume” (which I take to indicate a normal dress)… all the latest fashions of the late 1890s!

Here are the 4 scans that I made today:

Series Navigation<< Fashions for January 18921892 Fashion Magazine – 10 scans from the Delineator >>

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