Ideas for a Church Sale, Crochet Accessories for the Summer Toilette, and Hostess Ideas

- Edwardian Cooking Advice and MATERNITY CORSET ADS
- Advertisements and back pages from Edwardian magazine The Modern Priscilla July 1913
- Ideas for a Church Sale, Crochet Accessories for the Summer Toilette, and Hostess Ideas
- Heavy Crochet Pattern & Mosaic Canvas pattern
- Converts: The Love Story of a Primitive Man and a Suffragette by Joan Paul
- Edwardian Raffia Hat Making Instructions & 3 Collar & Cuff Sets
- Embroidered Edwardian Shirtwaist, guest towels, and doily patterns
- Early 1900s HOUSEKEEPING ADVICE and advertisements
- How one woman made a success at dress making and Summer Recipes
- Punched work darning designs, and Eight different collar designs
- Venetian Design Crochet Patterns from the July 1913 Modern Priscilla
- Edwardian Fashion Photos from 1913 and an Ivory Soap Advertisement
- Cover and ads from The Modern Priscilla, July 1913
- Early 1900s Summer Fashion Illustrations
Here are some scans showing easy crafts and things to make to sell at a church sale or bazaar from the July 1913 Modern Priscilla. These include ideas about how to make needlebook covers, spool cases, pin cushions, work boxes, and more… with fancy embroidery and needlework, ofcourse!
The next page is crochet patterns for the summer toilette, including high neck yolks and handkerchief bags.
Finally, the last page I scanned included some entertaining ideas for the summer and a Campbell’s Soup advertisement. Thimble parties, Ice carnivals, and more- what fun for a turn of the century Edwardian lady!
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