To Man, Woman is Basically Funny – history of pinups in humor

To Man, Woman is Basically Funny – history of pinups in  humor
This entry is part 6 of 32 in the series CheeseCake Pinup Magazine - 1953

From hoopskirts to bathing suits, this Cheesecake Pinup magazine takes a look at the history of sexual innuendo in humor and media.

One of the first cartoons is from the 1860s, showing the wind blowing up a dress to reveal the hoopskirt underneath and (gasp) the sexyness of the woman’s ankels! Then came the peepshows in the Kinetoscopes of the 1890s (as examples are The Bedroom Farce, and a womens’ wrestling). Then, the late 1890s cinema came along, and in the early 1900s, Hollywood and the Keystone comedies and the scantily clad “big names wearing too little” and sensual Femme Fatale Movie Stars of the 1920s… until the “modern” day comediennes like Lucille Ball and Imogen.

Series Navigation<< Lucille Ball and Marie Wilson were Successful Pinups on TVMarilyn Monroe’s appearance on the Jack Benny Show, and Ed Sullivan’s Toastettes >>

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