Victorian Advertisements: Dress Trimmings, Fur Coats, Beads, Stamps, New Mother Instructions, and More

Victorian Advertisements: Dress Trimmings, Fur Coats, Beads, Stamps, New Mother Instructions, and More
This entry is part 7 of 19 in the series The Delineator - January 1892

This begins the extended end of the Winter issue of the 1892 Delineator fashion magazine. It starts with a full page advertisement for all kinds of pretty miscellany, including fur sets for children, fur trimmings, decorative nail heads, guimps, lace of all kinds, medici collars, and squares of printed China silk.

The next page includes ads for stamping kits, “Something for Young Mothers – ‘Mother and Babe, Their Comfort and Care”. The young mother pamphlet’s description is interesting, because it “contains full information concerning the proper care of infants and the preparation of their wardrobes, and specifics of the various articles necessary for Babies first outfit…. and contains hints as to the proper clothing for ladies in delicate health”. Right next to it, is a small illustrated ad for Masin and Hamlin upright pianos.

The final page in this set of scans contains a large advertisement for “Itching Skin Humors”, small ads for The Great American Tea Company, Ingall’s Catalogue of Perforated Stamping Patterns, Rare Cacti Plants, Derma-Royale skin whitening system, and for a ten cent pamphlet called “The Art of Smocking or Honey Combing” (an illustrated treatise on the English and American methods of smocking).

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