1800s Photos from St. Louis, MO

- 1890s Childrens Portraits
- Pictures of Turn of the Century Children and Teenagers
- History of Photographers in St. Louis
- Turn of the century wedding, couples, and portraiture
- Turn of the century Children’s photos – from 1906
- Very formal turn of the century wedding photo, and a random one or 2 from 1914
- St. Louis Turn of the Century Family Photography
- Family Photos (mostly) from the 1880s
- Old Family Photos from 1880s to 1942
- A turn of the century Swedish Girl, German turn of the century photos, & random
- Old photos in cool old cardboard frames
- Family photos from 1913 and the early part of the 1900s
- Turn of the Century Wedding, couple, and baby photo scans
- Turn of the century photos from Crescent Studios, J. Haas, Setzer, and Parsons of St. Louis Mo
- Turn of the century photos by St. Louis Photographers
- 1800s Photos from St. Louis, MO
- More scanned photos from the turn of the century St. Louis Photographers
- Cabinet Cards of Young Men, Children, and Couples
- Pictures of 1800s young ladies and girls
- 1800s baby photos
- Photos of Civil War Generals and Steam Trains
This is my final set from the first batch of old photos. They appear to be taken mostly by St. Louis city photographers and photographers who were in the Carondelet neighborhood at the turn of the century.
The two boys’ eyes haunt one photo, taken by Star Gallery… What silly looking turn of the century kids, and what attitude! I wonder who they are and what became of them…. and the two girls who look like they’re dressed for their First Communion (I think?).
I wonder about the girl with the tambourine taken by Schweig and Cohl. Was it a Jewish thing? Was she an exotic dancer? A gypsy? I am totally ignorant, but the elaborate costume, her pose, and the tambourine stand out from all of these other turn of the century photos...
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