The future of the pinup model

The future of the pinup model
This entry is part 9 of 32 in the series CheeseCake Pinup Magazine - 1953

This is one of the most interesting scans from Cheesecake – An American Phenomenon. Where was pinup modeling going in the 1950s, and what would future fashion trends hold? The main point of this article seemed to point out the sheer diversity of pinup models and beautiful women. An interesting picture was one of Rita Hayworth without makeup, and then made up. One of her movies, “An Affair in Trinidad”, was chosen by the National Photographers Association as “the sexiest and most provocative motion picture still ever made”.

Pat Parker was the very rare model who could do both pin up and fashion, with measurements of 34-22-34.

Pinup models were paid 15-25 an hour in 1954, and could make up to $75 in an afternoon.

“The fashion model is merely window dressing for the clothes and must not intrude. The pin up, on the other hand, must intrude all around.”

These last pictures include:

  • Bernard Bernard, a top cheesecake photographer, using clothes pins to accentuate the form of his model
  • June McCall on the beach
  • Laurette Luez on leopard skin
  • Rita Hayworth – with out makeup, and with makeup, and posed for the movie “An Affair in Trinidad”
  • an implied nude woman behind a typewriter, to signify that tease and leaving some parts covered is much more sexy than blatant nudity
  • photo credits
  • male comment upon the female, including Elsie Richmond in the 1900s, Patricia Hardley in the 1950s
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