Turn of the century photos by St. Louis Photographers

Turn of the century photos by St. Louis Photographers
This entry is part 15 of 21 in the series Cabinet Cards

I am not sure how these photos were ordered, or if there is any order. In this batch that I digitally preserved, there is a photo of a baby taken by When Studios, dated 1893; Parsons Studio, J. Haas,  Genelli, Theo E. Setzer, G. Schneidt, Boehl & Koenig – these last old photos have no dates.

The photo of the little girl in a plaid dress taken by J. Haas was found attached to the smaller photo of the woman taken by G. Schneidt. Are they mother and daughter? Or did the young girl grow up and the smaller photo is another picture of her? If the dead could only talk!

I think the man with a handlebar moustache and grey streak in his hair (taken by Theo E. Setzer) looks vaguely psychotic.

Series Navigation<< Turn of the century photos from Crescent Studios, J. Haas, Setzer, and Parsons of St. Louis Mo1800s Photos from St. Louis, MO >>

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