St. Louis Fashion Advertisements from 1924

St. Louis Fashion Advertisements from 1924
This entry is part 4 of 26 in the series 1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant

Here’s the cover and first few pages of the August 1924 issue of the St. Louis Fashion Pageant, a local society and fashion magazine. This whole issue is filled with fashion illustrations and fashion photography from the mid-1920s…. flapper girls and cars! The roaring 20s were well underway, even in the slower paced midwest, and St. Louis was a major city for fashion!

Ads included:

  • Billiken Shoes (for children) – a really cute illustrated ad
  • “Coats, Suits, Sweaters, and Knit Goods”, presented by Marquette Cloak and Suit Company at 1609 Washington Avenue
  • Dainty Fetching Daytime Frocks by Forest Maid Wash Frocks
  • Non-wrinkle neckwear by Hurst-Zucker Neckwear Co.
  • Coats for flappers, infants, women’s, and stouts… by Paristyle Garment Co.
  • Curlee Clothing Company “one price manufacturers” of St. Louis

It’s interesting that ALL the locations for fashion and clothing companies were located on Washington Ave in downtown St. Louis. Seems like quite the street to be on (especially as compared to nowadays when that part of the street has turned into nightlife and mixed residential)!

Series Navigation<< The Entertainment Features of the St. Louis Fashion Pageant (1924)1920s advertisements – mainly mens fashions >>

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