1920s Ready To Wear Fashion Show – by the St. Louis Wholesale Garment Association

- 1920s Mens Fashion and Hat Ads
- Indexes of advertisers & fashion houses participating in the Fashion Pageant 1924 St. Louis
- The Entertainment Features of the St. Louis Fashion Pageant (1924)
- St. Louis Fashion Advertisements from 1924
- 1920s advertisements – mainly mens fashions
- Full Color 1920s Fashion Ads
- 1920s Women’s Fashions Advertisements
- 1924 Cloche Hat advertisement
- 1924 Fashion Illustrations – dresses and hats
- 1920s Business to Business advertisement, and Knit Fashion ad
- 1920s Fur Coat Fashion Advertisements
- 1924 Girl in a Swimsuit and Skirt Fashions
- 1920s Ready To Wear Fashion Show – by the St. Louis Wholesale Garment Association
- 1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant Program – pt 1
- The St. Louis Fashion Pageant – 1924, Pt 2
- 1920s St. Louis Shoe manufcturer Advertisement
- 1920s St. Louis Fashion Advertisements
- 1920s St. Louis Shoe Advertisements – 4 scans
- Brief History of McKays Shoes
- 1920s Dresses, Millinery, Coat, and Textile Ads
- 1920s Shoe Advertisements: Women’s shoes, children’s shoes, and mens shoes.
- 1920s Toy Advertisement & Misc Ads
- 1920s General Store Wholesaler Advertisement – Butler Brothers
- Advertisements from 1924
- 1920s Fashion Advertisements: (last 2 pages of the 1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant)
Illustrated spread about the 1924 READY TO WEAR FASHION SHOW, August 7-20th, 1924 – BY THE ST. LOUIS WHOLESALE GARMENT ASSOCIATION
What a fascinating glimpse into the history of ready to wear clothing in America (and St. Louis’s little known fashion history)! I love the art deco border of fashionable silhouettes, surrounding the introduction to the 1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant.
Thus begins the program and schedule for the 1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant of ready to wear clothes, presented in Forest Park August 7-24.
The introduction reads:
“This gorgeous style spectacle portrayed by beautiful live models will be produced in the Municipal Theatre, Forest Park, St. Louis.
Come and meet the most prominent merchants and buyers who have accepted St. Louis Ready-to-Wear Styles as authentic and profitable.
Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Blouses, Skirts, Petticoats, Knitted Outerwear, Bungalow Aprons, House Dresses, Muslin and Silk Underwear
“St. Louis, the Garment City”
If you look at the next page, St. Louis Wholesale Garment Association, the featured businesses are ALL located downtown on Washington Avenue, or Locust Avenue, except for 3 (who were on very nearby side streets).
For more history on ready to wear fashions, I found the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s site most interesting: http://museum.nist.gov/exhibits/apparel/history.htm
It basically says:
Ready-made articles of clothing were portrayed as modern and fashionable during a time when the new consumer industries were rapidly redefining the way Americans viewed mass-manufactured goods. Instead of seeing the purchase of mass-produced clothing as entailing a loss of individuality, American women began to accept the pieces of ready-made merchandise as convenient, affordable, and up-to-date fashion items that could be replaced easily as styles changed….
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