1892 Cloak, Coat, and Basque Fashions

1892 Cloak, Coat, and Basque Fashions
This entry is part 16 of 19 in the series The Delineator - January 1892

Here are some fashion illustrations from 1892, detailing the latest fashions in ladies cloaks, coats, and bustles. Decorations included curled silk feather trimming, and velvets. Fabrics were damask, wool, and brocade.


  • A ladies wrap cape with a high collar and puff sleeves is pictured, both front and back.
  • Ladies wrap cape with sleeves and short underjacket front
  • Ladies coat cape with sleeves in three quarter length
  • Ladies cape (known as the coachmen’s cape)
  • Ladies coat (in three quarter length)
  • Ladies double breasted coat (which may be buttoned to the neck)
  • Ladies pannier basque (in amethyst velvet and serge)
  • Ladies double breasted basque
  • Ladies basque (a little more plain)
  • Ladies pannier basque (another illustration)
Series Navigation<< Winter 1892 Ladies Sleeve, Skirt, Bustle, and Skirt Train FashionsFashions for January 1892 >>

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