Turn of the century photos from Crescent Studios, J. Haas, Setzer, and Parsons of St. Louis Mo

Turn of the century photos from Crescent Studios, J. Haas, Setzer, and Parsons of St. Louis Mo
This entry is part 14 of 21 in the series Cabinet Cards

This first old photo of a girl with glasses in a white dress looks really silly. I feel sorry for her! The last picture, which looks like a turn of the century communion photo, also looks very awkward.

I appreciate the interesting background that Setzer used in his photo of the toddler in a white dress and her 4 year old brother (guessing their ages).

It looks like the family who got their photo done at Parsons on Market Street, opted for a cool curled photo effect. It makes me want to learn more about how that was done… was it done with a mask in developing the film (which is how it looks when handling the original picture)?

I’m finding that S. Broadway, not far from my studio, was a really good place to get family photos taken during the turn of the century! I wish I could date these old photos further…

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