3 more scans from the Language of Fashion, a 1930s fashion dictionary

3 more scans from the Language of Fashion, a 1930s fashion dictionary
This entry is part 6 of 21 in the series The Language of Fashion - 1939 Fashion Dictionary

My scanning got interrupted today. Here are just 3 pages defining such things as robe d’intrenieur (a hostess gown), ruche, rumba costume, saque (and the 1930s sack garment), different types of sashes, ending with defining the various types of satin. There is no way that I could possibly memorize all these clothing and parts of clothing definitions, and having a fashion dictionary like this is great!

Series Navigation<< timeline of Historical Fashion silhouettes thru the ages – Types of Satin continuedNets thru Robe de Style, and information about Rayon >>

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