1930s Sewing notions, fabrics, laces, silks, and the last page of the Chicago Mail Order Company 1935 Catalog (summer)

- Summer 1935 Mail Order Catalog – Cover & Womens Shoe Fashions
- 1930s Sewing notions, fabrics, laces, silks, and the last page of the Chicago Mail Order Company 1935 Catalog (summer)
- 1930s curtains, sheets, & towel advertisements
- 1935 Hat Fashions, Womens Hat Advertisements
- 1935 slip, bra, and panty advertisements
- 1930s baby clothes
- 1935 Lingerie and Foundation Fashions – garters, corsets, shapewear, bras…
- 1930s Stockings Advertisements: Silk stockings, Rayon Stockings, Chiffon Stockings & More
- 1935 Boys and Mens Fashions – hats, suits, shirts, pants…
- 1935 ads for medicines, cosmetics, douches, sanitary napkins… etc.
- 1935 Women’s Dresses and Fashion
- How to Measure for Clothing – from the Summer 1935 Chicago Mail Order Catalog
- 1935 Summer Dress Fashions
- 1935 Wool Bathing Suits, Women’s Sportswear, and Mens’ Underwear…
- 1935 Shoe fashions for women, men, and children
- 1930s shirts and hats for men, blouses for women, and outfits for boys and girls
- 1930s women’s suit and coat styles
Here are the last 11 pages from the Summer 1935 Chicago Mail Order Company catalog. They’re filled with advertisements for silks, viole, pre-made lace for dresses, tahiti prints, polka dot printed fabrics, all manner of silk fabrics and crepes… and more. The last few pages are in color and advertise “Hollywood Dress prints”, “Sanforized prints”, “woven dot Swiss”, organdie prints, “Pepperelle viole”, batiste, “quality silk flat crepe prints”, and more. Do you notice that zippers haven’t been advertised in this catalog at all? This could be useful for dating 1930s clothes…
Below are the last of my scans from this 1930s catalog:
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