Tatting and needlework patterns from the April 1917 issue of The Modern Priscilla

Tatting and needlework patterns from the April 1917 issue of The Modern Priscilla
This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series The Modern Priscilla - April 1917

I scanned thru the needlework section of the April 1917 issue of The Modern Priscilla, which had patterns and advice about how to make lace doilies, tatting patterns and instructions for lace edges on linens, crochet patterns, small hand sewn gifts for the bride, and other fine needlework ideas.  The Edwardians basically added lace to everything it seems!

I’ve scanned several of these magazine pages twice, because my scanner bed wasn’t big enough to include the ads in one scan. I don’t recognize most of the old brands advertised, but the Campbell’s Vegetable Soup advertisement is classic.

Series Navigation<< Edwardian Cooking and Kitchen Advice, Ads and “How to”s from 1917Edwardian Filet Crochet Pattern from 1917 >>

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