Edwardian Filet Crochet Pattern from 1917

- Edwardian Cooking and Kitchen Advice, Ads and “How to”s from 1917
- Tatting and needlework patterns from the April 1917 issue of The Modern Priscilla
- Edwardian Filet Crochet Pattern from 1917
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- 1917 Edwardian Lace Fashions on Clothing
- Late Edwardian Fashion Illustrations, Style Advice, Recipes and Advertisements
- Weddings! April 1917 issue of The Modern Priscilla – cover and first few pages
The “centerfold” of this April 1917 issue of The Modern Priscilla magazine was a detailed pattern and instructions on how to crochet filet pattern lace and create bridal teacloth, napkins, pincushion, scarfs, scarf ends, and doilies.
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