Popular Songs Magazine: October 1935

- Popular Songs Magazine: October 1935
- Lyrics to popular 1930s songs pt1
- Lyrics to 1930s popular songs pt 3
- Lyrics to 1930s songs pt 1
- Lyrics to 1930s songs pt 2
Ginger Rogers graced the front cover of the October 1935 edition of Popular Songs Magazine. It advertised the lyrics to over 30 popular songs of the mid-1930s!
On the inner cover was a full page illustrated advertisement for diamond engagement rings, wedding rings, watches, and other jewelry for men and women wanting great values by Royal Diamond and Watch of 170 Broadway, NYC. You could could get a diamond engagement and wedding ring set for only $29.75 (approximately $525.12 in 2016 dollars).
The Perfolastic shapewear had a money back guarantee if it did not reduce your waist and hips by 3 inches, and an offer to send a free sample of the perforated elastic material that the girdles were made from. This illustrates the ideal 1930s silhouette of narrow waist and hips, with a small to medium bust.
On the Table of Contents page was a sidebar ad for Maybelline eye shadow and mascara. “Some are born beautiful, others acquire beauty. If you are not a natural beauty, then the most natural thing in the world is to acquire beauty. Encourage yourself!” … the 1930s advertisement begins…
In the table of contents:
It’s a Waring Year………………….. The why and wherefore of Fred Waring’s success
Never Better …………The story of beautiful Irene, of the flickers
Raja of the Rumba……………………. You’ll agree that Enric Madriguere is a very unusual person
Here’s Ginger…………………. The beautiful Miss Rogers was’once an ugly duckling
Verrilly. lt’sTrue…………………………Virginia Verrill’ s voice used to double for movie stars
Coast to Coast ……….. Margaret McCrae is a favorite everywhere
Meet Lee Wiley…………. She disproves the saying “they never come back”
He Sings to Succeed …………… Jan Peerce is one o! radio’s best known tenors
The Hottest Gal in Town………… When Fern Buckner fiddles it’s sompin’
Aloha O’ ………. Queen Lilioukalani and her immortal song
Rising Star ………….Stuart Churchill is making a name for himself.
Ginger Rogers……….. Cover
Songs in this October 1935 issue of Popular Songs Magazine included:
Afterglow …………………. 6
A Little Bit Later On ………… 10
Basin Street Blues …………… 10
Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz ….. 5
Blue Illusion ……………….. 7
Congo Rhythm ……………… 6
Dancing ‘Till Dawn ………….. 5
Empty Saddles …………….. 5
Farmer Gray ………………. 23
Franklin D. Roosevelt March …… 19
I Just Made Up With That Old Girl of Mine ………………… 5
I’m Grateful to You ………….. 5
I Gwine Back to Dixie ……. .. 8
It’s a Sin to Tell a Lie ………… 7
Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair. 18
La Cucaracha ……………… 8
Love Went Up in Smoke ……… 10
One. Two. Three. Four ……….. 8
Romance ………………….. 16
Say “Si. Si” ……………….. lo
Tenting Tonight …………….. 12
The Girl in the Garden ………. 7
The Lost Chord …………….. 8
The More I Know You ……….. 18
The Mullberry Bush ………….. 8
The Scene Changes ………….. 7
The Star Spangled Banner…. ….. 18
The Swing Waltz ……………. ‘ ‘7
There’s no Substitute for You ….. 5
They Cut Down the Old Pine Tree. 28
Why Do I Lie to Myself About You 18
- Ginger Rogers on the cover of Popular Songs Magazine: October 1935
- Engagement rings, watches, and wedding bands advertisement from 1935
- The table of contents, list of songs, and editorial contents from the 1935 Popular Songs Magazine October Issue
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