Edwardian Fashion Photos from 1913 and an Ivory Soap Advertisement

- Edwardian Cooking Advice and MATERNITY CORSET ADS
- Advertisements and back pages from Edwardian magazine The Modern Priscilla July 1913
- Ideas for a Church Sale, Crochet Accessories for the Summer Toilette, and Hostess Ideas
- Heavy Crochet Pattern & Mosaic Canvas pattern
- Converts: The Love Story of a Primitive Man and a Suffragette by Joan Paul
- Edwardian Raffia Hat Making Instructions & 3 Collar & Cuff Sets
- Embroidered Edwardian Shirtwaist, guest towels, and doily patterns
- Early 1900s HOUSEKEEPING ADVICE and advertisements
- How one woman made a success at dress making and Summer Recipes
- Punched work darning designs, and Eight different collar designs
- Venetian Design Crochet Patterns from the July 1913 Modern Priscilla
- Edwardian Fashion Photos from 1913 and an Ivory Soap Advertisement
- Cover and ads from The Modern Priscilla, July 1913
- Early 1900s Summer Fashion Illustrations
Isn’t this Ivory Soap ad a classic? “Yes, it will wash if you use Ivory Soap and a little care… Ivory Soap 99.44% pure”.
Following that advertisement is a page of photographs illustrating and describing fashionable embroidered frocks for the summer season of 1913. I made a few scans, to make sure that I got all the wording and details! I love the elaborate gowns of eyelet and French embroidery of the Edwardian era (and a tip from the this page: “We all know that large eyelets are more neatly made if carefully run twice before cutting…”).
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