
Wills Sainte Claire, Willys Knight, and Stutz auto ads

Here are some ads for long-out of business automobile makers: Wills Saint Claire, Willys Knight, Winton, and Stutz. Stutz produced luxury automobiles, and this ad is clearly aimed towards the Edwardian mother. The Winton ad is from 1915. The Willys Knight ads appear to be from the 1920s, the model 70 was produced in 1927. I am not sure when the Whippet was produced. There are several pages of ads for Willys Knight sedans and autos. The Wills Sainte Claire ad features its Canadian Goose logo and this page contains 2 scanned ads.

Old car ads: Jewett, Hudson, and Paige automobile ads

Here are some old ad clippings for Jewett automobiles, Hudson cars, and Paige vehicles. “Enclosed comfort”, “Joyous pep”… There are two pages of Hudson car ads which include The Hudson 640 of 1915, the 7 passenger Hudson Six 54, and the Hudson sedan.

Wills Sainte Claire, Willys Knight, and Stutz auto ads

Wills Sainte Claire, Willys Knight, and Stutz auto ads

This entry is part 3 of 17 in the series Automobile Ads Scrapbook

Here are some ads for long-out of business automobile makers: Wills Saint Claire, Willys Knight, Winton, and Stutz. Stutz produced luxury automobiles, and this ad is clearly aimed towards the Edwardian mother. The Winton ad is from 1915. The Willys Knight ads appear to be from the 1920s, the model 70 was produced in 1927. I am not sure when the Whippet was produced. There are several pages of ads for Willys Knight sedans and autos. The Wills Sainte Claire ad features its Canadian Goose logo and this page contains 2 scanned ads.

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The future of the pinup model

The future of the pinup model

This entry is part 9 of 32 in the series CheeseCake Pinup Magazine - 1953

Where was modeling going in the 1950s, and what would future fashion trends hold? The main point of this article seemed to point out the sheer diversity of pinup models and beautiful women. An interesting picture was one of Rita Hayworth without makeup, and then made up. One of her movies, “An Affair in Trinidad”, was chosen by the National Photographers Association as “the sexiest and most provocative motion picture still ever made”.

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1880s going away dress outside

1880s going away dress outside

This entry is part 23 of 23 in the series Carondelet Historical Society Project

Once I had the model in this 1880s bustle dress, I didn’t want to let her out! The weather was SO pretty outside that we decided to go take some fashion photos at Carondelet Park. The boathouse at Carondelet Park, although originally built in 1918, and the concrete pergolas (built in the 1930s), made for perfect a perfect set to go with this 150+ year old dress.

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Early 1900s drugstore photos

Early 1900s drugstore photos

I have no idea what South St. Louis pharmacy or drugstore is pictured here, but these pictures that I scanned are fascinating! You can see all the glass bottles and vials of medicine neatly on shelves behind the counter, and signs saying: “Frog in your throat? 10 cents – the Greatest Cough ??? on Earth”, Adams Black Jack Gum, Humphrey’s Specifics, Abbey’s ?? Salt… and more.

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Early 1900s St. Louis Photos

Early 1900s St. Louis Photos

These were in a mixed album of early 1900s St. Louis photos that I scanned. One of these shows the civil courts building under construction, with just the steel beams up, which was completed in 1930 (so this picture would have been c. 1929). Another old photo is dated 1910 and appears to be a group photo of men in the Teamsters Union.

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