1930s shirts and hats for men, blouses for women, and outfits for boys and girls

1930s shirts and hats for men, blouses for women, and outfits for boys and girls
This entry is part 16 of 17 in the series 1935 Chicago Mail Order Company Catalog

This was another rather random seeming 1930s advertisement page from the Chicago Mail Order Catalog. On this scanned page are advertised shirts for men, including “Sandforized” that include a tie and initialized tie clasp, mens summer hats, boucle knit sweaters for women, silk crepe de chine scarves for women, a little boy’s 2 piece outfit (for ages 3-8), and an adorable organdie dress and bonnet outfit for toddler girls.

little girl and boy fashions from 1935

1930s family fashions for men, women, and children

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